Hey y'all, here's my first blog. Bet y'all wondering what's about. Intention? Catchy no? Well here is the deal. I've had lots of friends throughout my years in this world. Friends? Or maybe i have known lots of people. Fast forward to the year after my Junior High School. I lost friends right after. I had a best friend, one i told everything to and did literally everything with. Anyone heard of Brick and Lace? Love is wicked? Rings a bell? Yes! We were the Brick and Lace of our time back in Junior High. We stopped communicating all of a sudden. I mean we can text each other but literally have nothing to talk about, we got boring and then we grew apart. Straight up to Senior High School. I met a guy before we all entered Senior High School and we agreed to be best friends, ones that no matter what we weren't going to part, quarrel or lie to each other. Okay, with him we did our best to communicate through letters, phone calls and sometimes visits. Our friendship actually made it to 4 years! Hurray!! And then just like that went to the drain. Not a word from both of us and when we reach out to each other, we were like strangers, just like that. This all happened within 2011 to 2017. Now 2018 approaches, had a hangout with a couple of friends at the beach. Met a girl same height and size as me, not gonna lie this were her words "Thank God, i met someone like you. Let's be friends" and then i agreed. I mean she was pretty, and cool as hell. Not to long after we started hanging out and then got real close and tagged ourselves as best friends. It's 2020 now and guess how we are? well we still sometimes hold on to the fact that we're still best friends but we've grown apart now, we hardly text or call each other and see each other. Long story short y'all. I'm beginning to think i have an issue or better yet people just fade outta my life. I'm trying to have some very close friends i can literally tell things to, laugh with. travel out with and all. But seems like a dream that's never coming true. It's 2020 now i have made a few friends, ones i call close friends. Hopefully i stay with them forever and ever, ones that can say to my kids "that's my godson or goddaughter" I'm putting that task to myself and i have decided to make things work unlike before. Don't worry guys i will keep you updated on my INTENTIONS. If you've had quite a similar story or have an advice i'll be glad if you share it in the comment section.
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Beautiful piece.. best friend!
I’ve had my share of that..
and now I have one we’ve been together for 9 years(female).. it’s not all rosy but once we catch up .. we do that fast!
Just get that one person.. you will know when you find him or her.
Open diary I presume. Anyways, the whole best friend thing is overrated tho rare. A best friend should relate to your thoughts but value the differences and act as one with you when one is in despair. Stronger emotions to many. They say friends we’ve made to 21 are contemporary so look forward to the future.
Fascinating. What I love about it is the fact that a lot of people can relate