So today, I’m going to take a critical guess of camera lenses used In the shooting of this amazing images that were shot by my lecturer, Nana Resh. But before I go into that, I’ll like to talk about what a camera lens is and types of the lenses.
A lens is a tool used to bring light to a fixed focal point. Camera lenses are made up of series of glass plates that are convex or concave. A camera without a lens is useless to a photographer. If you remove the lens from your camera, the only type of image produce is just white light. Even with a cheap camera, one can capture great images if the lens of the camera is high – quality. There are 6 types of camera lenses namely;
• Fish eye (ultra-wide) : They are used for panoramic shots, cityscapes, landscapes, real estate and abstracts photography. It’s focal length is 8- 24mm.
• Wide angle: They are used for landscapes, interiors, architecture, forest photography. It lens ranges from 14mm – 35mm.
• Standard Prime: They are used for portraits, weddings, street or documentary photography. The standard prime lenses ranges are 24mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm, 135mm, 200mm.
• Zoom: They are used for portraits, weddings, wildlife photography. Types of zoom lenses are 17-40mm, 24-105mm, 70-200mm.
• Macro: They are used for extreme close-ups. The macro lenses focal lengths ranges from 50- 200mm. They are also used for ultra detailed photography.
• Telephoto: They are good for photographing nature and wildlife and also for astronomy shots and spots events like Surfing and football games. Types of lenses are 70-300mm, 100-400mm, 300mm, 400mm, 600mm.
Now I’ll begin.

This picture right here was shot with a Macro lens. Considering how detailed the image is.

Hmm. Macro lens definitely.

This was shot with a standard prime lens. Portrait image of a lady.

This Image was shot with a telephoto lens. Haha.

This was definitely shot with a zoom lens.

This has me torn between choosing standard prime and telephoto. But I will go for Telephoto lens.

This image was shot with a fish eye lens. This i am so sure of.

This image right here is very amazing. But it has me confused which kind of lens was used here. For some reason I think it was shot with a standard prime lens.

Macro lens for sure.

This sandwich was shot with a macro lens. Very appetizing, no?

Wide angle lens I presume.

Definitely zoom lens was used in shooting this image.

My second favorite shot of Nana Resh. Well I think zoom lens was used in shooting this amazing picture of the dog.

Wide angle lens.

Mouth watery huh? Not gonna lie I’m craving all these right about now. This was shot with a standard prime lens.

Could your model ever? I present to you ‘Barbie, the African Princess’. Her image was shot with a standard prime lens. Well she’s available for more photo shots Lol.

On God, this image tight here is my third favorite. A very beautiful and peaceful image. This image was shot using a zoom lens.

This was definitely shot with a macro lens.

This also was shot using a macro lens. Detailed.

Been trying to figure out what exactly this is. But it was definitely shot with a macro lens.

Macro lens used here too,

Macro lens on this one too. Visibility.

And this is my last most favorite image of Nana Resh. This was shot in using a macro lens.

Now this is confusing. My guess is Standard prime lens.
And finally this three where shot using wide angle lenses.
So that’s my guess for the camera lenses used. If I am wrong or you think otherwise please do so to let me know in the comment session. So we can both learn.